5 A DAY meal planner

5 A DAY meal planner

Create a weekly 5 A DAY meal planner and shopping list in five simple steps. It makes healthy eating simple, with ideas for meals, tasty recipes, cheaper options and top tips. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Alcohol myth buster

Alcohol myth buster

Test your knowledge of alcohol-related risks and find out the facts about drinking. Can you tell fact from fiction? If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Alcohol unit calculator

Alcohol unit calculator

It can be hard to tell how many units are in different types of alcoholic drink. Use this unit calculator to find out how many units there are in a single drink or in a number of drinks. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Asthma self-assessment

Asthma self-assessment

Use this self-assessment to find out if you might have asthma. It will help you to understand what the symptoms are and will give advice on treatment. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Back pain guide

Back pain guide

Nearly all of us will experience back pain at some point in our lives. Explore this guide to learn more about the different types of back pain, get advice on treatment and understand the ways you can prevent back pain in the future. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player... Read more →

Bladder self-assessment

Bladder self-assessment

A healthy bladder is important to all of us, yet many people suffer in silence even though a lot can be done to improve things. Take this short assessment to find out if you should seek further advice. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

BMI calculator and tracker iPhone app

BMI calculator and tracker iPhone app

Download the BMI healthy weight calculator and tracker app to your iPhone or iPod touch. Use it to calculate BMI for anyone over two years old and create individual user profiles to track the whole family's BMI over time. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

BMI healthy weight calculator

BMI healthy weight calculator

BMI is good way to check if you're a healthy weight. Use our BMI calculator to check the whole family and find helpful information and advice. BMI is a measure of whether you're a healthy weight for your height. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Carer self-assessment

Carer self-assessment

This tool helps carers to assess their own situation and provides clear information on where to get more advice, help or support if it's needed. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Carer tips

Carer tips

A collection of real tips from real carers, on healthcare, personal hygiene, communication, behaviour and routine. These tips were provided by Netbuddy, a site for swapping practical tips and information on all aspects of supporting people with learning difficulties. If you see a plugin warning ple... Read more →

Childhood health assessment

Childhood health assessment

Childhood is a great time to start eating healthily and keeping active. Establishing healthy habits early on can help to improve your child's quality of life in the future. Find out how much you know about raising a healthy 1-5 year old, with this short quiz. If you see a plugin warning please down... Read more →

Couch to 5K Running Plan

Couch to 5K Running Plan

Use this audio running plan to go from couch to running 5K or (30 minutes) in just nine weeks. Just download the podcasts, find your trainers and off you go! If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Couch to 5K+ running podcasts

Couch to 5K+ running podcasts

Take your running to the next level with these podcasts designed for graduates of the Couch to 5K plan. Designed to help improve your speed and stamina, the podcasts feature coaching as well as music from AudioFuel, who specialise in creating music to run to. If you see a plugin warning please down... Read more →

Depression self-assessment

Depression self-assessment

This is for information only and is not intended to replace a consultation with a GP. The PHQ was developed by Drs Robert L Spitzer, Janet B.W. Williams, Kurt Kroenke and colleagues with a grant from Pfizer Inc. Reproduced with permission. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash... Read more →

Downloadable alcohol tracker

Downloadable alcohol tracker

The alcohol tracker will calculate alcohol units, keep a personal drinks diary on your desktop and provide feedback on your drinking over time. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Downloadable fitness widget

Downloadable fitness widget

This tool is packed with ideas to help you lead a more active life. Each day you receive a new tip on how to keep healthy as a family, and there are also links to local information and associations. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Downloadable quit smoking widget

Downloadable quit smoking widget

This desktop widget delivers a daily motivational message for 30 days, keeps track of how much money you're saving and how many days it has been since your last cigarette. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Drinking self-assessment

Drinking self-assessment

This drinking self-assessment assesses your relationship with alcohol and helps you to understand if you're drinking too much. At the end, it gives advice on how you can cut down.  If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Drinks tracker for iPhone

Drinks tracker for iPhone

If you have an iPhone or iPod touch you can download the free NHS Drinks Tracker from the app store straight from your phone. It allows you to keep a drink diary and get feedback on your drinking. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Eating disorders video wall

Eating disorders video wall

Watch these videos featuring experts and real-life stories to get an insiders view of life with an eating disorder. Plus expert advice. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Exercises for older people

Exercises for older people

Keeping active into older age is the key to staying fit, mobile and independent. This guide provides step-by-step instructions for exercises focusing on strength, flexibility and balance, with a set of sitting exercises to get you started. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash... Read more →

Fertility self-assessment

Fertility self-assessment

This short test is aimed at women who are worried they may be having problems getting pregnant. It will assess their situation and let them know if they should seek further medical advice. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Fitness self-assessment

Fitness self-assessment

Do you think you're doing enough physical activity? This simple assessment will help you understand what the recommended levels are and will assess how close you are to meeting them. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Fitness video wall

Fitness video wall

Keeping fit is great for your health and we should all be aiming to be physically active for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week. Need to boost your fitness levels? Watch the videos above to see the different ways people keep fit, and be inspired. If you see a plugin warning please download... Read more →

Food allergy and intolerance myth buster

Food allergy and intolerance myth buster

This myth buster will help you separate fact from fiction and understand the differences between a food allergy and an intolerance. Learn more about symptoms, treatment and how many people are affected. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Guide to barbecue safety

Guide to barbecue safety

Everything you need to know about having a barbecue safely. This interactive guide is packed with information and advice on all aspects of barbecueing. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Hair loss myth buster

Hair loss myth buster

Test your knowledge of hair-loss-related risks and find out the facts about losing your hair. Can you tell fact from fiction? If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Healthy eating self-assessment

Healthy eating self-assessment

Do you really know what eating healthily means? Find out how much you know about nutrition and making healthier choices. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Heavy periods self-assessment

Heavy periods self-assessment

Heavy periods are not necessarily a sign there is anything wrong, but they can affect you physically and emotionally and can cause disruption to everyday life. This assessment will help you to gauge how heavy your periods are and will explain more about potential causes and treatment options. If yo... Read more →

Hepatitis C self-assessment

Hepatitis C self-assessment

Use this simple assessment to see if you may be at risk of hepatitis C. This self-assessment is for information only. It is up to you to contact a health professional if you are concerned about your health If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Home hygiene self-assessment

Home hygiene self-assessment

Take this test and find out whether your home could be a health risk. It may look clean and tidy but are you doing enough to keep the germs at bay? If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Interactive first aid kit

Interactive first aid kit

Use this interactive first aid kit to find out what to keep in your kit and how to use it. With tips and a list of what to buy. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Kidney disease check

Kidney disease check

People can have kidney disease and not be aware of it. There are often no symptoms until the disease is quite advanced. Use this test to see if you're at higher risk of developing kidney disease and should have your kidney function checked. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flas... Read more →

Learn to dance video wall

Learn to dance video wall

Dancing is a great and fun way to get fit. From hip hop to Bollywood, belly dancing to Scottish country dancing, watch these videos for some tips and inspiration. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Lift your mood video wall

Lift your mood video wall

Watch the video wall for practical help and ideas to improve your mood and mental wellbeing. Includes advice and tips from experts plus real-life stories. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Looking after 1-5 year olds

Looking after 1-5 year olds

Watch videos about looking after your young child. Experts discuss potty training, bedwetting, childhood illness and preventing accidents at home, and parents talk about their experiences of toddler tantrums and immunisation. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Meningitis symptom alert

Meningitis symptom alert

This symptom alert has been made with help from The Meningitis Trust and will help you to recognise the signs of meningitis so it can be diagnosed as soon as possible. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Mental health video wall

Mental health video wall

Watch these real-life stories to get an insiders view of life with a mental health condition. See how people have overcome their conditions with support and help, and used their experiences to help others. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Mood self-assessment

Mood self-assessment

We can all feel low, anxious or panicky from time to time. Check your mood using this simple questionnaire and get advice on what might help. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Parenting self-assessment

Parenting self-assessment

Use this assessment to get an overview of your situation as a parent, plus useful links to videos and features tailored to your results. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Pregnancy development slideshow

Pregnancy development slideshow

Pregnancy slideshow shows how a baby develops during every stage of pregnancy from week one to the birth. Understand what happens during pregnancy. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Pregnancy video wall

Pregnancy video wall

Watch real women and experts discuss pregnancy, including keeping healthy and well, going to antenatal classes, coping with morning sickness and thinking about antenatal screening. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Quit smoking iPhone app

Quit smoking iPhone app

Receive daily support on your iPhone with this 30-day quit smoking app. Includes a motivational counter and calendar to keep you on track. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Sex myth buster

Sex myth buster

Test your knowledge of sex-related risks and find out the facts about sex. From safer sex and STIs, to contraception and pregnancy; can you tell fact from fiction? If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Sexual health self-assessment

Sexual health self-assessment

How much do you know about having a safer sex life? Take the safer sex test and find out how much you know about contraception and sexually transmitted infections. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Skin conditions slideshow

Skin conditions slideshow

Use this slideshow to identify common skin conditions and problems including psoriasis, ecezma, acne, athletes foot and rashes. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Skin conditions video wall

Skin conditions video wall

The skin is the largest organ of the body. Find out about the commonest skin conditions and hear experts and real people talk about the symptoms and treatment. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here ... Read more →

STI video wall

STI video wall

The numbers of diagnosed cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are on the rise. Watch these videos featuring real people and experts to learn more about STIs such as herpes, chlamydia and genital warts. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Strength and flexibility podcasts

Strength and flexibility podcasts

Fancy a free personal trainer? Download these free podcasts designed to guide you through a five week plan of exercises to improve your strength and flexibility. By week five, you'll be doing a 40 minute routine of press-ups, squats and stretches. If you see a plugin warning please download the Ado... Read more →

Type 2 diabetes self-assessment

Type 2 diabetes self-assessment

Take this quick and simple test to find out if you're at risk of type 2 diabetes. Please note, this tool may not be accurate for anyone undergoing treatment for diabetes. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Vaccination planner

Vaccination planner

Get a personalised, printable planner of your child's vaccinations, based on their date of birth. The planner includes all the dates their vaccinations are due. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here ... Read more →

Walking video wall

Walking video wall

Walking is a simple, free and easy way to get fit and lose weight. Watch these videos of real people who love walking, to get ideas on getting started. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →

Wellbeing self-assessment

Wellbeing self-assessment

This tool uses WEMWBS, a scale which is often used by scientists and psychologists to measure wellbeing. To get your wellbeing score, go through the statements and tick the box that best describes your thoughts and feelings over the last two weeks. If you see a plugin warning please download the Ad... Read more →

Workplace health check

Workplace health check

Health and safety is vital in any workplace. Use this tool to assess your workplace and whether improvements could be made. This tool is for general guidance only. If you have specific concerns about your workplace you should speak to your employer. If you see a plugin warning please download the A... Read more →

Workplace stress test

Workplace stress test

Take this short test to find out if your job is leading to stress. It will provide you with a short assessment plus lots of useful guidance and links to get further information. If you see a plugin warning please download the Adobe Flash Player here... Read more →