An estimated 600 babies are born with foetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) in Ireland every year, a public health specialist has warned. Speaking at the annual general meeting of the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO), Dr Mary O'Mahony, a specialist in public health medicine at the HSE, pointed out that alc... Read more →
Women who had their tonsils or appendix removed when they were younger may to be more likely to get pregnant compared to their peers who never underwent these procedures, a new study suggests. The findings also indicate that these women get pregnant sooner. Researchers in the UK assessed the medic... Read more →
Irish women who are pregnant or are trying to become pregnant are being advised to avoid travelling to Florida in the US. This follows a number of confirmed cases of locally transmitted Zika virus in some parts of Florida. Zika is a viral infection that is spread through the bite of an infected mo... Read more →
Report from advisory committee states there is ‘very low’ risk of salmonella from eggs Raw eggs are safe for pregnant women to eat, a UK safety committee has recommended. A report from the advisory committee on the microbiological safety of food states there is “very low&rd... Read more →
Scientists have confirmed the existence of the ‘pregnancy waddle'. According to a team from Japan, a baby bump changes the way women walk, even as early as the first trimester. The scientists used 3D motion capture technology to create a biomechanical model of pregnant women. This allowed th... Read more →
Women with asthma may take longer to become pregnant, a new study suggests. Previous research has indicated a link between the lung condition and fertility, however findings have been inconclusive, so Danish researchers decided to look into this further. They monitored 245 women, aged between 23 a... Read more →
During pregnancy, a woman's body goes through a host of physical changes and the skin is not immune from these effects. Commonly, women experience changes in the skin's appearance, including dark spots on the breasts, nipples and inner thighs, melasma, linea nigra, stretch marks, acne, spider veins... Read more →
Pregnant women and new mothers need more attention when it comes to screening for depression, according to recommendations issued Tuesday by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. That came as part of the panel's recommendation that all adults should be screened, in a situation where they can be ... Read more →
The humble spud has come under renewed attack on health grounds, with a new study finding a link between higher consumption of potatoes before pregnancy and a greater risk of developing diabetes while pregnant. The study by US-based researchers, in the BMJ journal, suggests substituting potatoes wi... Read more →
Pregnant women with symptoms of depression are more likely to sit for long periods during their second trimester, increasing their risk of higher weight gain and developing gestational diabetes, a new study has found. Sedentary behaviour, such as sitting for long periods, has already been linked to... Read more →
Women who are diagnosed with cancer while they are pregnant can start treatment for the disease immediately and do not need to worry about the effects this may have on their unborn child, a new study has found. European researchers looked at 129 children aged between one and three years, whose moth... Read more →
Pregnant women in Ireland often receive conflicting advice in relation to drinking alcohol, but there is no safe level of consumption during pregnancy, Alcohol Action Ireland (AAI) has insisted. The national charity for alcohol-related issues is urging pregnant women to avoid alcohol altogether dur... Read more →
Risk present even if all went well 1st time A woman's weight during her first pregnancy may affect the health of a second baby, even if everything went well the first time around, a new study has found. It is already well established that a mother's weight can increase the risk of complications du... Read more →
Eating for two during pregnancy may lead to a weight problem because of changes to the digestive system, new research suggests. Pregnancy causes hormone-driven growth of the intestines that allows more energy to be extracted from the same amount of food, a study shows. The discovery, made in... Read more →
Sexually active women who could become pregnant are being reminded of the importance of taking folic acid, even if they are not planning a pregnancy. Folic acid is a B-group vitamin, which is known to reduce the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) in babies. NTDs are birth defects of the brain and s... Read more →
Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is very common in Ireland and women are much more likely to drink while pregnant if they smoke, a new study has found. UK researchers carried out of a study of almost 18,000 women in four countries - Ireland, the UK, Australia and New Zealand. They found that drink... Read more →
A new study involving Irish scientists has highlighted the increased risks pregnant women face if they are obese. According to the findings, global rates of maternal obesity are now at epidemic proportions and these women, along with their babies, face a range of health risks. Maternal obesity ref... Read more →
Women who were born prematurely have an increased risk of giving birth to a premature child, a new study has found. According to Canadian researchers, it is already known that women who were born with a low birth weight are more likely to give birth prematurely. However, they wanted to see whether ... Read more →
The proportion of women in Ireland giving birth for the first time in their 40s is higher than the EU average, new figures have shown. According to the figures released by Eurostat, overall, women giving birth for the first time here are slightly older than the EU average. Currently, the majority o... Read more →
Pharmacists have called for an end to the practice whereby women with medical cards who wish to obtain the morning after pill free of charge have to attend their GP for a prescription first. The emergency hormonal contraceptive, Norlevo (levonorgestrel), has been available to women in pharmacies wi... Read more →
Pregnant women who spontaneously go into labour prematurely may have an increased risk of suffering a stroke or developing heart problems later in life, a new study has found. Dutch researchers carried out an extensive analysis of 10 studies involving women from five European countries - Scotland, ... Read more →
Women who improve their health before they become pregnant could reduce their child's risk of becoming obese later in life, a new study indicates. There is already a growing body of evidence that suggests that a child's life in the womb and soon after birth can affect their risk of obesity. While s... Read more →
Pregnant women who smoke are more likely to quit the habit if they are offered financial incentives to do so, a new study has found. A recent report found that almost one in eight mothers in Ireland smoked throughout their pregnancy. Smoking during pregnancy is known to increase the risk of health ... Read more →
Almost one in eight mothers in Ireland smoked throughout their pregnancy and those who smoked the most were more likely to give birth to smaller babies, according to a new report. The report on maternal health behaviours is part of the Growing Up In Ireland study - a national study of almost 20,000... Read more →
Adults have a much higher risk of dying from heart disease or stroke if their mothers were overweight or obese before they became pregnant, a new study suggests. Previous research has found that people whose mothers were overweight before pregnancy have an increased risk of diabetes, high cholester... Read more →
Almost 50% of all cases of gestational diabetes could be prevented if women consumed a healthy diet, maintained a healthy weight, exercised regularly and stopped smoking before and during pregnancy, a new study has found. Gestational diabetes is a type of diabetes that develops during pregnancy - m... Read more →
Nearly seven months after the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Act came into effect, health professionals have to date only been issued with guidelines on how the appeals system where a woman is refused an abortion should operate. This 'back to front' approach to guidance on the operation of the... Read more →
New sets of guidelines have are being given to hospitals on the management of pregnant women with suspected sepsis and second trimester miscarriage. An update covering the area of sepsis has been added to previous early warning guidelines on maternity care and a new set of guidelines on miscarriage... Read more →
Breech babies have a much higher risk of death if they are delivered vaginally rather than by caesarean section, a new study has found. Babies in the breech position are delivered feet or buttocks first, rather than head first. An estimated 4% of deliveries are breech. A previous study carried out... Read more →
Most of us are familiar with the term Irish twins - when siblings are born less than 12 months apart, sometimes even within the same calendar year. Until now, having babies close together was thought to increase the risk of prematurity and low birth weight, however a new study suggests that this may... Read more →
Hundreds of British couples are travelling to specialist clinics in America to choose the gender of their child in an act of 'family balancing'. Leading American specialist Dr. Daniel Potter, who runs a large clinic in California, revealed that the number of couples seeking treatment to engineer th... Read more →
THE baby boom is continuing to wane with some maternity units seeing a substantial fall in births in the first four months of the year, new figures show. There were 21,587 births in the first four months of the year, a drop of more than 240 compared to the same period in 2012 when the trend was als... Read more →
HIGH cholesterol levels may reduce a couple's chances of having children, a study has found. The US research suggests a link between raised cholesterol and infertility as well as heart disease. When both partners in a couple had high amounts of cholesterol in their blood it took the longest time t... Read more →
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