Use this self-assessment to find out if you might have asthma. It will help you to understand what the symptoms are and will give advice on treatment.
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Asthma self-assessment
A healthy bladder is important to all of us, yet many people suffer in silence even though a lot can be done to improve things. Take this short assessment to find out if you should seek further advice.
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> Bladder self-assessment
Use this simple assessment to see if you may be at risk of hepatitis C. This self-assessment is for information only. It is up to you to contact a health professional if you are concerned about your health
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Hepatitis C self-assessment
People can have kidney disease and not be aware of it. There are often no symptoms until the disease is quite advanced. Use this test to see if you're at higher risk of developing kidney disease and should have your kidney function checked.
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Kidney disease check